The Ultimate Guide

Ultimate Guide: Sustainer 101

Sustainer Mary Tinkey tells us about her membership experience and what it is like to be a sustainer below.

Being a Sustainer puts an exclamation point behind a lifelong membership! The process is quite easy and fluid.  When you’re a Sustainer you can be as actively involved as you please but with few requirements.  One starts out the JLC experience in orientation as a “Provisional” then learns, trains, serves, operates and leads as an “Active” and eventually transitions to “Sustain” the JLC financially and intellectually.  Let’s not forget the social and networking aspects of membership which we are fortunate to engage in along the way.  

Active members may request Sustainer status once seven active years in good standing are completed in the JLC or she has reached the age of 40 and has three years of active service. .  It is that simple.  Best part is that members may opt to revert membership status back and forth from Sustainer to Active as often as they wish. I will admit when I initially sustained I disappeared for a number of years but have found myself becoming more active as my children have moved away and my other responsibilities have decreased. 

What does it mean to be a Sustainer?  For each member the definition is unique but with a common thread, in our individual way we each “Sustain” the organization.  Some like to simply belong to the organization that gave them so much and continue to support with dues and other donations; others enjoy the social and self-improvement activities offered through the Sustainer program; yet others enjoy participating in advisory and/or leadership roles in the organization. Of course, there are some women who you will see at the building several days a week involved in all different areas and roles.

The requirements to maintain Sustainer status, though not as numerous as that of Actives, are equally important. We must pay our dues, which is less than the amount required of Active status, a definite perk!  We also need to do our part as ambassadors for the JLC by recruiting new members through sponsorship; we offer financial support through donations; and intellectual support through participation in advisory roles, mentoring, and/or task force as well as other committee positions.

Becoming a Sustainer is simply and truly the most culminating status within the Junior League of Charlotte.    

About Junior League of Charlotte, Inc.