JLC News

There’s still time to support the JLC with your 2015 year-end gift

Support the JLC’s Annual Fund!

In the spirit of the holiday season, please consider making a tax deductible contribution to the Junior League of Charlotte’s Annual Fund.

Did you know that your dues only comprise 29% of the JLC’s operating budget?  The Junior League relies on the generosity of its members, not only to bridge operating costs, but also to further it’s vision of improving the lives of children and families in the Charlotte community.
* For $10, the Family HealthLink committee can provide a child with a dental care kit to encourage good oral hygiene habits
* For $75, JLC Done In A Day volunteers can provide dinner to pregnant teenagers living in a group home
* For $150, the Training and Development committee can offer JLC members an opportunity that will enhance their leadership skills and encourage personal and professional development
* For $250, the JLC can provide educational workshops to parents of at-risk children through the Speakers’ Bureau
* For $500, the JLC Kids in the Kitchen committee can create programs and cookbooks to teach local families how to prepare healthy meals and snacks

Every gift counts!  Make a difference by donating today: CLICK HERE TO DONATE.


About Junior League of Charlotte, Inc.