
Member Monday- Sholeh Kornegay

Meet Sholeh Kornegay, a Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC) Active member on the Done in A Day Committee. She is an internationally known Trial Master File (TMF) Subject Matter Expert with over 15 successful years of experience in the Clinical Research Industry. Ms. Kornegay is currently Principal Consultant, President and CEO of LMK Clinical Research. LMK is certified as a woman-owned business by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council. She is also the Facilitator for the Metrics Champion Consortium’s TMF initiative. In this role, she leads  a group of cross-functional experts to develop and implement TMF metrics and processes.

When Sholeh is not busy with LMK, she is active in her community participating in a number of charitable organizations, including The Junior League of Charlotte, Make-A-Wish, American Cancer Society, and Jack and Jill of America.

Q: Tell us about yourself 

A: I grew up in Gaithersburg, Maryland (a suburb of Washington, DC).  I had incredibly humble beginnings – my dad was a taxi driver in DC for over 40 years and my Mom was a “key punch operator” (to this day I cannot explain what that means!) for the railroad union. 

Q: What have you gotten from the Junior League?

A: One word: service.  The JLC has given me the unique opportunity to serve the Charlotte-area community in multiple ways: time, education, and presence. The JLC has such an incredible presence in the Charlotte area.Our time and commitment to area organizations seems to have an incredible impact.  

Q: What have you given to the Junior League?

A: I typically choose the placements in the community as it allows me to volunteer locally within different organizations.  I see the impact and it’s amazing.

Q: How has the Junior League helped to develop your potential?

A: I have met so many incredible women throughout my time in the JLC.  These women have inspired, challenged, encouraged, and loved me.  All of this has helped me to continue to grow into the woman I am today.

Q: What motivates you to work hard?

A: My children.  I have a 15-year -old daughter and an 11-year-old son.  They are incredible children and showing them that I can be a working mom, pick them up and take them to school every day helps me push forward even on the hard days. 

Q: If you could choose anything to do for a day, what would it be and why?

A: I would be a kindergarten teacher.  Kindergarten in 2019 is more than coloring and shapes and I think it would be cool to teach children how to read, how to use a computer, maybe even write a short story!

Q: What is your proudest accomplishment?

A: Winning the fourth fastest growing company in Charlotte in 2017.  We’ve won this award two years in a row (#7 in 2018), but being in the top five was pretty darn cool!

Q: What is your favorite thing about your career?

A: Being a small business owner can have many rewards and many challenges.  The one thing that makes me so proud is knowing that my company is providing a livelihood for 40+ people.  My employees are homeowners, they vacation in Europe, they send their kids to private school, etc. It’s incredibly rewarding.  

Q: One thing people would be surprised to know about you?

A: I watch The Golden Girls every single night.  It’s SO funny and I have seen every episode 10+ times, but it still makes me laugh out loud. 

Q: What is one thing you will never do again and why?

A: Piercing my tongue.  Hey, I was young and dumb…never, ever again!

About Junior League of Charlotte, Inc.