Community Connection

JLC Sustainer Jane Grose Invites You to Join Free Information Session!

picThe Classical School model is documenting impressive success in communities throughout the United States.  Currently the charter public option for Classical Schools is new to the Charlotte community, but the classical model of education isn’t new.  It has been successfully implemented for 2,500 years.

Tuition-free, classical charter schools across the country are closing the achievement gap, proving that our return to the BASICS – teacher-led instruction, content-rich curriculum, phonics-based literacy, great books in the Western tradition, high standards for student behavior and performance, and Latin – is one of the most effective ways to meet the needs of all learners.

Employing teachers who model virtues and teach cultural literacy as a complement to rigorous academic skills, classical schools are producing knowledgeable, tenacious, inquisitive, responsible American citizens who are positioned to successfully pursue any endeavor.

The proposed Francis Classical School is named for the late Mary Elizabeth Francis, life-long philanthropist and strong supporter of quality education.

We welcome your interest and questions at the open house.  An R.S.V.P is appreciated but not required. Please call Jane Grosse at 704 369-2511 to respond or inquire further.

About Junior League of Charlotte, Inc.