JLC News, Leader Training, Member Spotlights

JLC Hosts Hundreds from Junior Leagues Across the Country at the Organizational Development Institute

Hundreds of women from as far away as Seattle and Canada travelled to Charlotte in late May to attend the Organization Development Institute (ODI), which is a weekend-long training provided by the Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI).  The Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. (JLC) proudly hosted these women by offering recommendations for dining and shopping, welcoming sustainer Jane McIntyre…

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Around Town, Community Connection, Community Partner Spotlight, JLC News, Member Spotlights, News and Events

JLC Leaders Honored as Nominees for Charlotte’s Most Influential Women

On Friday, May 29th, 50 of Charlotte’s local gems donned their finest and joined together to celebrate each other at the Hilton Charlotte Center City for The Mecklenburg Times’ 50 Most Influential Women Awards. Not only do the women honored at this event exemplify what it means to be a valuable member of the Charlotte community, both professionally and personally,…

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Member Spotlights

JLC’s Fund Development Council (FDC) kicks off our 2015 Belk Charity Sale Ticket Challenge!

FDC is challenging all JLC councils /members to purchase tickets to the Belk Charity Day Event on May 2. The council that purchases the most tickets will get free wine & cupcakes at their next council meeting as a reward from FDC! ABOUT THE BELK CHARITY DAY EVENT: Belk will hold its Spring Charity Day Sale benefiting local charities and nonprofits on May…

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Member Spotlights

#WeConnectWednesday: JLC Member Christine Nelson Sperow Connects with Audience to Win Emmy

There’s no doubt that Christine Sperow Nelson, a member of the JLC’s Nominating Committee, connects with people on all levels – in their homes, across social media networks and through her work in the League. A testament to her knack for connecting with viewers, Christine was recently awarded an Emmy by the National Academy of Television of Arts and Sciences…

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Member Spotlights

#WeConnectWednesday: MDC Chair Charlitta Roberson Cultivates Connection

When you associate the term “connect,” the Junior League of Charlotte (JLC)’s Membership Development Committee (MDC) is front and center. MDC Chair Charlitta Roberson leads the charge in terms of creating connections among provisional members as well as with actives and sustainers. Ever since she was a teenager, Charlitta Roberson knew she wanted to become a member of the JLC. …

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JLC News

#WeConnect Wednesday:Connecting in Charlotte and Across the Globe

On this #WeConnectWednesday, we are taking a look at how JLC members are connecting with each other and for our community.  Our February Small Group Meetings – called Learning Journeys – provide JLC members the opportunity to learn more about other non-profit organizations in our community.  Listen to what Morgan Lendino had to say after attending a small group meeting…

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Member Spotlights

#WeConnectWednesday: Our members are the heart of the JLC.

Junior League of Charlotte, Inc. Membership Initiatives Committee (MIC) Findings from Online Membership Survey and Small Group Meetings Our members are the heart of the JLC. In September, the League introduced the Membership Initiatives Committee (MIC), created to support the JLC in addressing the need for enhanced membership experience and engagement.  In the two months that followed, MIC led virtual and…

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