
Three Steps to a Fall Financial Checkup

Autumn is upon us and it’s time to do a fall checkup on your finances!  At the beginning of each year, many of us make a commitment to save more, spend less, pay ourselves first and so on.  As the winds of life come (and they will) some of us get knocked off of our courses conversely, we can also have a little too much fun during the summer months…here are three easy steps to fall financial fitness:

1. Know your numbers

There are many online tools available to help you keep track of your credit scores, your bank balances and daily activities but have you taken a good look at the details behind the numbers?  If your credit scores have increased or decreased, pull a detailed report to find out why.  Use that information to drive your goals and make adjustments as you see fit.  Check your bank statements to see if you’ve overlooked a bank draft, unauthorized credit card charge or misreported entry.  Try to categorize your expenses to identify where your money is going and how much is going into each category.  Doing so will give you a clear snapshot of your financial status.

 2. Prepare for the holidays

The holidays are an exciting time for many of us and with those days come many unexpected but anticipated parties, dinners, charitable drives and fundraisers as well as gift exchanges.  Set a budget and take advantage of sales now to be ahead of the game this holiday season.

 3. Plan now for tomorrow

National Financial Planning Week will be celebrated from October 1-7.  Having a financial advisor in your corner can be a big help! Get a second opinion on your financials by scheduling time to review your financials with a Certified Financial Planner.  You can find one for free online.