
Special Placements – Another Option for Making a Difference

Did you know that JLC offers special placements? There are a few rules, but generally a special placement may be granted to Active members in good standing if the proposed special placement supports the League’s goals. Examples may include serving on a non-for-profit board or volunteering with another agency that assists children and families.

Criteria for special placements is listed on Digital Cheetah. Members must complete a form describing the proposed special placement and must submit this form to the Placement Chair for final approval.

Active member Katherine Ketner took advantage of this opportunity for the current league year. Katherine had previously served on the events committee and other JLC placements. In addition to her league placements, Katherine found herself serving on two non-for-profit boards including the Communities in Schools of Charlotte –Mecklenburg (www.cischarlotte.org) and the Children & Family Services Center as well as holding a job in law and managing a family at home. As time became scarce, Katherine found herself spread thin and unable to focus on any one cause. However, she also valued the three organizations she worked with and did not want to choose between them. During a meeting, one of her fellow league members suggested to Katherine that she apply to do a special placement so that she could focus on her work with the non-for-profits. Katherine found the required forms on Digital Cheetah, wrote an essay on how the proposed special placement fit into the League’s mission, and was soon thereafter accepted and assigned.

During our interview, Katherine shared her experiences with her non-for profits and the JLC special placement program.

“Every year, CIS celebrates all of the graduating CIS students. The graduates get together for lunch and students get up and speak in front of hundreds of people to share how CIS made such a change in their lives. Seeing that my efforts can make such an impact on someone’s life is really special. If you’re dedicated and really believe in a mission, it makes it very easy to make time. (But) having a special placement is a good way to keep people from spreading too thin. It really enables you to focus on one thing and do that one thing really well.”

Interested in a special placement? Hurry – applications for special placement for the upcoming year are due by March 15!